Safe Life wants to equip you with all the resources you need to feel confident stepping forward in your foster care and adoption journey. Check out the list of resources listed below to get started.

Here’s a list of resources available to you through Safe Life Journey
- Medical Resources 3 Day, 30 Day & Annual
- Dental Resources 30 Day & 6 Months
- Psychiatrist Resources as Required
- Therapy Resources as Required
- ECI, CANS Developmental Resources 30 Day
- Educational and Tutoring Resources Within ISD or Charter Schools
- Medication Management Resiurces as Required
- Recreational & Activities Resources Weekly or as Required
- Child & Family Care Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Do You Have To Own A Home To Foster?
No. As long as the home meets minimum standards requirements, it is fine to rent or own.
Should I Foster If I Have Biological Children?
Foster care is a family ministry. Biological kids are often the first to connect with new placements in the home.
Can I Specify The Type Of Children I Want?
We want to know your particular gifts and skill sets so that we can make the best possible match between your family interests and skills that meet the needs of the child being considered for placement. Keep in mind the more narrow your preference, the harder it will be to make a match. You will always be given the opportunity to consider all of the information we have about each child we match with your family before making a decision to accept a placement or not.
Where Do The Children Come From?
Most of the children we serve have been removed from their home by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services because of abuse or neglect by their parents or caregivers. We provide foster care for these children until their situations can be resolved by a permanent plan.
What About Emotional/Behavioral Issues?
Our experienced foster care and adoption staff will train you just like any other licensed professional. You will be part of a treatment team that consists of child therapists, psychologists and caseworkers.
What Support Is Available To Me As A Foster Parent?
Safe Life offers counseling, 24 hour on-call support, trauma-informed training, respite coordination, camp retreats, and more.
Let’s make a difference by supporting programs that provide safety, love, and healing can have a positive impact on a child’s life.